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Love in Chains TV Release Has Achieved Great Success And Set Records

‘Love in Chains’ costume drama release on STB TV channel set several records. During the show, STB TV channel became the slot leader by an audience of 18-54 (50+), surpassing other channels by 37%. An average share of the series became twice as high as average daily and prime share of the channel for January-February 2019.

At the last week, the series turned out to be the slot leader audience of 18-54 for whole Ukraine, collecting more than 1 780 000 viewers. The last episode of the first season get rating of 6,67 and share of 20,68 (18-54, 50+), while the highest share was 23,82. It was watched by every 5th TV viewer.

For cities 50+, an average share and rating of the series among the audience of 18-54 comprised 5,56% and 18,0%, among the audience of 18+ — 6,37% and 15,5%. For whole Ukraine, an average share and rating of the series among the audience of 18-54 comprised 5,06% and 14,3%, and among the audience of 18+ — 5,86% and 13,5%.

Synopsis. Kateryna is beautiful, clever and by the will of her godmother was raised as a lady of noble blood. But for the whole world, she is only someone else’s property, a bondmaid of the richest landowner in Nizhyn — Chervinskyi. Struggling for her freedom and the right to be happy, she will have to endure the deaths of her closest people, become the property of a woman who hates and dreams to kill her, survive the popular uprising, escape while being chased by a maniac and flee from the one who wants to get her above all. What awaits Kateryna at the end of such a terrible and exhausting path to freedom?
